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Directions below: is where you can go to stream hundreds of hours of inspiring movies and video series, read bestselling Catholic books, and listen to audio presentations from the Church's most compelling speakers!
Formed is available anywhere from virtually any device 24/7 to help you deepen your relationship with Christ and His Church.
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Catholic Charities Scholarships help to make a Catholic education accessible to families within the Diocese of Birmingham. The organization is accepting donations which, if made before the end of the year, can be used as a deduction on 2020 tax returns. Please consider a donation to this worthy cause. Contact your tax advisor for details about deductions. Watch this short video for a brief overview or click HERE for more details.
To request prayer, click on submit prayer request button. In the subject line write, "Prayer Request" and type your request then send.
Your request will go out instantly to all members on the prayer chain.
or email:
To become a member of the prayer chain email Kirk Sanford at